Is bitcoin a currency or commodity

Archived from the original on 22 October Archived from the original on 15 January Archived from the original on 12 June Archived from the original on 4 June ECO Portuguese Economy. Yahoo Finance.

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Archived from the original on 20 May Archived from the original on 25 June Institute for New Economic Thinking. The Motley Fool. Archived from the original on 7 January Archived from the original on 19 December New York Post. News Corp.

Is Bitcoin a commodity-backed currency?

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Where is the next human-based digital currency? Ouishare Magazine. Archived from the original on 19 January New York Magazine. The Weekly Standard. Salon Media Group Inc. Vice News.

Until there’s consensus on this crypto-asset, there will be problems

Financial Times. It doesn't matter". The Telegraph. Retrieved 19 January The Huffington Post. Retrieved 5 April Chicago Fed letter. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Retrieved 3 September Retrieved 28 December Retrieved 16 April David Andolfatto. Retrieved 17 April Also, note that I am not against gold or bitcoin or whatever as a currency. In fact, I think that the threat that they pose as alternate currency can serve as a useful check on a central bank. Retrieved 27 December Retrieved 10 December Retrieved 12 November Retrieved 10 October Retrieved 10 June Journal of Economic Perspectives.

Bitcoin boom: asset, commodity, currency or collectible? - ATAS

Atlanta Business Chronicle. Archived from the original on 26 October Archived from the original on 25 January Retrieved 25 January Archived from the original on 2 August Retrieved 2 August Retrieved 4 November Radio Praha. Retrieved 28 October Washington Post. Retrieved 8 January MIT Technology Review. Retrieved 20 February Thompson Reuters. Retrieved 30 June Wallstreet Journal. Australian Associated Press. Retrieved 23 February Retrieved 9 January Financial Review.

Retrieved 28 January The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 26 September Retrieved 2 April BBC news. Retrieved 12 March Dealbook blog. Retrieved 15 February Retrieved 22 November Retrieved 12 December European Banking Authority. Archived from the original PDF on 28 December Retrieved 23 December Retrieved 14 March Retrieved 16 February Did Not". Retrieved 29 December Computing News. Retrieved 13 June Bitcoin Recruits Snap To". Wall Street Journal.

Retrieved 9 December Red Herring. Retrieved 9 March They rarely soar in value overnight. There are many who argue that the contemporary currencies, not backed by a fixed amount of gold, are not stores of value.

Is it a currency? A commodity? Bitcoin has an identity crisis

But currencies are backed by the degree to which owning the currency enables you to enter the market of the nation that issues that currency and purchase goods and services at will. It is guaranteed by the fact that its price is sufficiently stable, moving by a few percentage points relative to other currencies, and by the fact that the U.

The dollar therefore provides access to the largest market of goods and services that have use value, and therefore exchange value. Bitcoin has not behaved anything like a currency. The recent surge in its value creates massive uncertainties.

  • bitcoin opt out?
  • Opinion: Why it matters if bitcoin is a currency or a commodity - MarketWatch.
  • Bitcoin: What Is It?.
  • Outside the Box.

For example, should traders postpone sales of goods and services sold through bitcoin because they might receive a higher price for the same number of bitcoins tomorrow? Should buyers put off purchases to wait for the value of bitcoin to decline? Are bitcoins, like traditional currencies, divisible into smaller denominations to allow for variations in prices? There are fluctuations in value but ideally not to the point that all purchases become gambles. Bitcoin has been behaving more like a commodity.


Commodity values can surge — although usually not like this — and while commodities can be bartered, in general they are not used as currencies. If bitcoin is indeed a commodity, the next question to be asked is: What commodity is it? A commodity is an object with use value.

That use value creates an exchange value, which is modified by market expectations. But the key is that bitcoin as a commodity has only an exchange value. It represents no underlying object with use value.

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  5. Obviously, any object can have value if others are willing to purchase it. Some purchases may be made in bitcoins, but given the hourly fluctuation in its value relative to the dollar, it might not be prudent. It is extremely difficult to use bitcoin as a currency, since the price of goods valued in bitcoin is at the moment rising dramatically. Come to think of it, it does behave a lot like oil and gold - it can be bought and sold in cash markets or via derivatives such as futures.

    What about a security? Many cryptocurrencies are, in a way.