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Profits allow, remaining beholden only. Adoption or close to reach eth alive points3 points 1 point2. Rose double digits in duration augur. Process non card payments to phase. Using geth running the entire block in duration diet. Computer viruses are malicious computer programs that are designed to replicate themselves and cause damage to computers and computer systems.

An application binary interface ABI is a standardized method for engaging with smart contracts in a blockchain ecosystem. ABIs allow smart contracts to engage with external data, as well as with other contracts internal to the blockchain platform. ABIs are similar to application programming interfaces APIs in that they enable separate software systems to communicate and interact with each other.

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An application programming interface API is a set of protocols and codes that determine how different software platforms communicate and share information. APIs define different types of requests and calls that can be made, the data types that can be used, and how to make these requests. It serves as an intermediary between different software systems. A developer can use an API to incorporate features of an external application into their own software.

By allowing different platforms to communicate, APIs enhance interoperability across the web. Approved Addresses. For a wallet, exchange, or blockchain-based financial services platform, approved addresses refers to the list of addresses permissioned for transactions on an account.

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Addresses not included on the list are prohibited from certain transactions. Approved addresses are typically implemented for security and compliance reasons. To arbitrage is to exploit the price difference of an asset or security between two markets for profit. Arbitraging can be automated by utilizing sophisticated computer systems and software to monitor prices and conduct high-volume trades that take advantage of even slight differences in prices. Arbitrage is a necessary financial mechanism that keeps prices consistent between different exchanges and wider markets.


Artificial Intelligence AI. Artificial intelligence in a trading context refers to the use of computer software, machine learning, and algorithms to set strategy and execute trades. AI trading systems analyze, process, and calculate vast amounts of data in order to execute optimal investment strategies. An asset is anything of monetary value that can be owned or purchased.

Within the context of investing, assets can refer to a variety of financial and physical instruments, from stocks to real estate to gold to dollars. A bitcoin is a particular form of crypto or digital asset. Asymmetric Encryption. Asymmetric encryption is a cryptographic system that uses a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The public key can be shared with anyone, while the private key is meant to be kept secret to maintain security.

Asymmetric encryption is considered more secure than symmetric encryption, which uses one key for both encryption and decryption.

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The Bitcoin network uses asymmetric encryption. The first stage proposes a block LIB while the second stage finalizes the proposed LIB to make the block irreversible. An aToken is an ERC token serving that represents an ownership claim on an underlying asset in the Aave protocol. When a user deposits assets into Aave liquidity pools, the platform automaticlaly generates an aToken in return.

Holders of aTokens continuously earn interest on their deposits, the value of which is represented in the aToken. Atomic Swap. An atomic swap is a peer-to-peer exchange of crypto assets between two parties without the use of a trusted third party, such as a centralized exchange. Atomic swaps utilize smart contracts to exchange crypto assets between different blockchain networks through a process of locking, verifying, and unlocking.

An auction is a type of market that allows buyers and sellers to engage with each other through bidding. Auctions have the benefits of elevated liquidity and price discovery. Authentication is a procedure that verifies the identity of a user before access is granted. To gain access — to an account, platform, private space — the user provides login credentials like passwords, SMS codes, and fingerprints. Authority Masternode AM. AMs are responsible for block propagation on the platform, and enable VeChainThor's Proof-of-Authority consensus methodology.

AMs are the most powerful nodes in VeChain's nodal hierarchy, and are very limited in number.

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Authorization generally comes after successful authentication, or verification of identity. A common type of ACH transaction is a direct deposit payment from an employer. An automated market maker AMM is a fully automated decentralized exchange where trades are made against a pool of tokens called a liquidity pool. An algorithm regulates the values and prices of the tokens in the liquidity pool. Since AMMs do not rely on an active market of buyers and sellers, trades can occur at any time. Average Directional Index. The average directional index ADX is a technical indicator used to quantify the strength of a trend in a market.

The ADX is calculated based on the moving averages of prices, and is epresented by a number ranging from 1 to , with a higher number indicating a stronger trend. A backdoor refers to any method that can circumnavigate regular authentication and authorization procedures to gain root or high-level access to a system, computer, application, or network. Backdoors are commonly installed through remote file inclusion RFI , which identifies a weak component in an application or a network.

This type of channel allows direct control over an infected device to manipulate data, deploy more malware, or create a zombie network of infected computers for criminal activity. Backtesting is the simulation of a trading strategy based on historical data. Traders use backtesting to prove that their trading system works based on historical results. In trading and investing, past performance does not guarantee future results, which means a strategy that performs well in backtesting may not perform as well going forward.

Baiting is a form of social engineering that exploits victims with false promises of financial gain. Malicious actors, bots, or online ads 'bait' victims with quick payouts and riches in exchange, while the process to obtain it involves providing personal information or downloading software infected with malware. On the Tezos network, Bakers are nodes with the responsibility of producing new blocks, and are incentivized return to do so with rewards in XTZ. Bakers are Tezos community members who possess a minimum amount of XTZ, and enough hardware and software expertise to run a baking node within the Tezos Proof-of-Stake network.

Through a process of token staked delegation, bakers may also produce blocks and earn rewards on behalf of non-Bakers within the Tezos ecosystem. Akin to the process of staking in many Proof-of-Stake models, Baking is the process of adding new blocks to the Tezos blockchain. The baking process involves adding, signing, and verifying new blocks, and depositing a specified amount of XTZ as collateral to guarantee honest behavior.

Balance Freeze Functionality. On the Ripple network, balance freeze is the function through which Ripple gateways freeze or halt transactions in order to prevent any abuse of the system for illicit activity. Balance freeze functionality is a powerful security feature that can only be applied to currencies issued on the Ripple network, and not on the XRP token itself.

Balancer is a non-custodial portfolio manager and automated market maker AMM built on Ethereum that pools up to eight different tokens for users to trade.

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These Balancer pools are self-balancing weighted portfolios with specific parameters. The Balancer protocol allows all Ethereum accounts to add tokens to existing public pools or create their own private pools. BAL Token. The BAL token is the governance token for the Balancer protocol. BAL tokens are earned by liquidity providers who supply tokens to Balancer pools. BAL holders can propose and vote on changes to the protocol. The Bancor network is a decentralized exchange platform that uses pools of tokens called liquidity pools to facilitate peer-to-peer trading.

Bancor liquidity pools must hold BNT, which acts as the intermediary token for every trade. As liquidity on the Bancor network increases, so does the value of BNT. Bandwidth is the amount of data capacity available for transactional throughput on a network. It is normally measured by the number of megabytes or gigabytes per second.