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Ich glaube, dass das sinnvoll ist und dass wir das unbedingt angehen sollten. Ich will das hier noch einmal sagen, ich habe das auch schon bei der Vorstellung des Jahresberichts getan: Das ist ein gemeinsamer Erfolg. Den haben wir alle gemeinsam erzielt. Es gab mehrere Wortmeldungen zu den Agenturen. Agenturen leisten eine wertvolle Arbeit, aber wenn es irgendwo zu Fehlentwicklungen gekommen sein sollte, haben wir ein gewisses Problem der Aufsicht.

Eine volle dienstrechtliche Verantwortung fehlt.

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Ob die das Parlament wahrnehmen will? Oder die Kommission macht es, wenn Parlament und Rat das wollen. Eine Grundsatzdebatte zum Thema Agenturen der Zukunft mit steigender Verantwortung, mehr Personal und mehr finanziellen Mitteln erscheint mir deswegen angezeigt.

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Dies sind Regeln des Parlaments und des Rates. On the question by Mr Czarnecki — he is not in the plenary but maybe he will see my comments afterwards — I would like to focus your attention on two main points. Firstly, we all share the principles of responsibility, transparency and accountability. So the Council is, in principle, providing the EP with all the recommendations, according to the Treaty, because, as we all know, the Parliament, on the recommendation of the Council, gives discharge to the Commission.

In relation to the budget discharge procedure, I have to underline that the Court of Auditors did not identify any problems concerning the Council. The Council will soon adopt a mandate to start discussions with the Parliament on the procedure of cooperation between the Council and the Parliament on the discharge procedure.

Concerning the remark made by Mr Staes relating to the staff of the coordinating secretariat for the European agencies, I took careful note of this. Regarding the call of Commissioner Oettinger on the message to accelerate the work on the future agreement for the post— Multiannual Financial Framework, I have to say — and assure you — that, as the presidency, we will advance the work as much as possible during our term.

The presidency will start work on the proposal as soon as it is presented by the Commission. Of course, the possibility of an early agreement very much depends on the proposal itself and we will do our best to achieve as much as possible, with the close cooperation of the European Commission. To conclude, I would like to say that this debate has shown that we share many concerns.

I can agree that an unqualified audit opinion of the Court for the management of EU funds remains an ultimate goal and that further improvements are still necessary.

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Allow me also to repeat that all financial actors need to fully assume their responsibilities in this respect. The European Union budget is an important tool for achieving the policy objectives that we have agreed upon. We need results, notably in terms of growth, jobs and investment, stronger entrepreneurship and a more competitive Europe. In a situation where resources are scarce we cannot afford to misuse one single euro.

Let us, through this debate, also send a clear message to the European citizens and taxpayers that the quality of EU spending is improving and that the European Union budget is on track in delivering concrete and expected results. Nach dem Entlastungsbericht ist vor dem Entlastungsbericht.

Die niedrige Fehlerquote beim Entwicklungsfonds zeigt, dass der Trend ein positiver ist. Das liegt unter der Wesentlichkeitsschwelle und geht in die richtige Richtung. Fehlerquote allein reicht aber nicht, das haben wir heute gelernt. Wir brauchen auch einen Mehrwert und eine gute Performance. Ja — Entwicklungspolitik ist nicht einfach. Es sind oft instabile Umfelder und schwierige politische Gegebenheiten. On the individual issues which have been raised, I wanted to mention just two again: one is the voluntary pension fund, and one is the GEA transparency issue.

Both of these are difficult issues, and both issues, I believe, require further work in the future if we are to get a final solution to these problems. But for the time being, I would hope that colleagues will support the wording on these issues in the discharge report. These words have been chosen very carefully to try and reach a compromise amongst all the different views we have in Parliament.

I hope colleagues will accept this wording as a good compromise, for the time being, until we get a solution in the future. That is right, of course — we should scrutinise our own budget, but also I think it is worth mentioning the hard work we put in to making sure our own budget is scrutinised. We should say that, perhaps, a little bit more often. Having scrutinised our own budget, I think we can say that our colleagues should grant discharge when we vote on it later today.

Wenn Sie es mit uns nicht machen, kommt es vielleicht nie mehr. Wir wollen nicht nur entlasten, sondern wir wollen auch mitreden bei dem, was in der Entwicklungshilfe gemacht wird.

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Die Einladung von Ihnen, Herr Kommissar, ist gekommen. Da gibt es einen erstaunlichen Schulterschluss. Diese Verhinderung ist keine gute Idee. Deswegen machen wir das. Heel zeker, ik denk dat we dat moeten doen. Mevrouw Panoyotova, we hebben een non-paper voorgelegd aan de Raad met de vraag: is dit een document om te bespreken, is het een onderdeel van een mogelijkheid om te komen tot een oplossing en te komen tot een kwijting van de Raad die die naam waardig is?

Dus ik vraag u: agendeer dat snel binnen de Raad zodat we die onderhandelingen kunnen opstarten. Ten derde naar de heer Zeller toe moet ik zeggen, ik ben heel blij met het verslag dat hij heeft voorgelegd. Er wordt genamed en geshamed , ook slechte zaken worden aangegeven, bijvoorbeeld dat schema voor jonge boeren. Dat werkt niet.

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Er worden goede zaken aangegeven, bijvoorbeeld het Europese Jeugdfonds, zeer goede zaak. En ten slotte moet ik onderstrepen dat daar waar de zaken goed gaan met Europese gelden, dat we dat moeten blijven rondbazuinen. We zijn pro-Europees. We moeten tonen dat Europa er werkelijk toe doet. But I agree with the Commissioner and others who have said that assessing the error rates is not enough, and we should be able to evaluate the achievement and value added in European spending.

So perhaps we should also, in particularly close cooperation between the Commission and this Parliament, start to analyse the opportunity costs. I am referring to Rail Baltica. I am convinced that Members of Parliament could be helpful for the Commission to guarantee that kind of process.

Again, thanks for enabling me to be part of this important process. I think there are three issues, as I try to conclude the eight joint undertakings. The first is a simple message to each of the joint undertakings within our remit: that citizens want to see results — the results of things that change in medicine, in the environment, in transport and airline policy, often innovations where citizens are not aware that the expenditure for those innovations has actually come from the European Union. We need to brand that: we need to explain to people that it was European taxpayers who have helped those innovations.

My second remark is that the joint undertakings must also explain their results within the industry.

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Thirdly, often when it comes to joint undertakings the expenditure profile is over a number of financial frameworks. So it is really important to take up the message that the Commissioner gave to this House and the challenge he gave to this House today between the Parliament and Council: that we need to come to an early view on the future framework.

We need to show, as Europe, that we can agree something, stick to our position and make sure that that expenditure is robust and strong to deliver the results we want to see. If we do that, I think there will be a good outcome. I do hope that the eight discharges which I proposed in my reports will be accepted by this House today, because I think it will send a very strong signal to the European Union and to industry that we can make results that ordinary people can see and understand.

Monica Macovei ECR. It is basically adding one word to paragraph 38, Amendment one. It refers to the agencies. Petri Sarvamaa PPE. Our commonwealth partners are prioritising deals with the EU, while Brexit creates uncertainty in our relationships. In ratifying this treaty today with Australia, the EU is broadening its reach down under. Trade negotiations with Australia are getting going. Whether we in the UK want to remain a significant player with strong relations with our Commonwealth partners together with our nearest neighbours the EU, will be seen after March Daniel Hannan ECR.

The decision has been taken. The United Kingdom wants to have wealthy and successful neighbours. The best outcome for us is that the remaining EU should have free trade agreements with friends and allies on every continent. If it had been more willing to take that approach over the 40 years of our membership, I suspect we would not have got to where we are now. Jan Zahradil ECR. Adam Szejnfeld PPE. Labour backs measures to cut the amount of plastic that ends up in our seas. In the UK alone, around 15 million bottles are discarded every day. That is during this one minute in which I am speaking.

Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting the Bewiched Cafe in my constituency. People using the Refill app collect points each time they refill their bottles until they win a stainless steel water bottle like this — much better than a plastic one. Plastic bottles make up a third of all plastic pollution in our seas, harming penguins, whales and fish. So well done to everybody who is showing true bottle in sorting this out. Deirdre Clune PPE. I am particularly conscious of the need to encourage more and to develop more recycling facilities for plastic and to develop products that are recyclable, and I think in this debate there needs to be a producer responsibility as well as a consumer responsibility.

Da tempo insistiamo sull'urgenza di realizzare un cambiamento radicale che vada dal design dei prodotti alla loro realizzazione, dall'utilizzo al loro riciclo, dall'eliminazione dell'obsolescenza programmata al recupero delle materie prime. Ma avremmo preferito leggere della messa al bando dell'incenerimento antieconomico e impattante dal punto di vista ambientale.

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Rupert Matthews ECR. I have listened to what everyone has to say. The reason I was pleased to vote for this measure is largely because it gives a clearer definition of some of the concepts we are dealing with, with waste processing and recycling. We need better definitions — it helps everyone involved in this to do their job more properly.