Bitcoin trading rules

During the recent crash in January , hobby-investors got burned. Reports of frustration and losses came at the cost of broken monitors, smashed laptops, and heavy monetary losses. As soon as your money is converted into cryptocurrency, consider it lost forever. There is absolutely no guarantee you can get it back. This includes: using credit cards, taking out mortgages , applying for loans, or selling everything and traveling the world as glamorous as that sounds.

Simple Scalping Strategy to Make $100 a Day Trading as a Beginner - Cryptocurrency Tutorial

If Bitcoin price pump drastically, altcoins price can go down as people try to exit altcoins to ride the BTC profits; inversely, if Bitcoin prices dump drastically, altcoin prices can go down, too, as people exit altcoins to exchange back into fiat. The best times for altcoin growth appear when Bitcoin shows organic growth or decline, or remains stagnant in price. While the potential to earn more is increased with the amount of money you invest into a coin, the potential to lose more is also magnified. What are the chances that this market cap increase will be entirely driven by one coin vs.

The best way to safely capture the overall growth of cryptocurrency is to diversify and reap the benefits of growth from multiple coins. During the same period, Bitcoin has increased by 34x. While you would have gotten impressive gains from Bitcoin, expanding into other coins could have landed you potentially larger ones.

No one ever lost money taking a profit. As a coin begins to grow, the greed inside us grows along with it.

Trading Rules | Binance

If you wait too long or try to get out at a higher point, you risk losing profit you already earned or even turning that profit into a loss. Get into the habit of taking profits and scouting for re-entry if you want to continue reaping potential profits. There are people in this world who would sell a blind person a pair of glasses if they could make money.

Those same people play in the cryptocurrency markets and use every opportunity to exploit less-informed investors. Or is it at least understandable? The better the product, the more likely it is that the course will go up in the long term. The only way to increase the probability for winning is real experience in trading. Neither will trading with play money. Only real trading with real money will bring experience, insight and success if anything will.

Trading Rules

Start small. Start with euros. Once they have doubled, add another euros. Once these have doubled, repeat. Being nervous is bad for business.

Tax Rules for Buying and Selling Bitcoin and Other Crypto

The shorter the timeframe, the more error-prone the pattern. In both cases, the end result is the same far more often than not — sloppy trading , which ultimately results in loss. The best trading strategy in the world will still lose you money until you get this right. So stay humble, stay lean, and check your emotions in at the door. Writer, tech startup founder, MBA candidate.

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Write on Medium. Sign in. The 12 Golden Rules of Crypto Trading. In fact, the entrepreneur, who uses Bitcoins as a means of payment pursues no economic interests beyond the pure payment of a fee. Already in , the German Federal Finance Court had decided that in such a case no value-added tax is accruing.

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Hence, he value-added tax treatment of Bitcoin transactions has only been partially clarified in a satisfactory manner to date. Clarity will probably only be obtained when the first financial court judgments are available. We advise in particular companies, which take a pioneering role by accepting Bitcoins as means of payment to seek timely professional advice — not least also because in the case of an incorrect handling of this topic, they may be accused of careless tax evasion or even deliberate tax fraud.

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Each entrepreneur can and must know no later than with the now published statements of the German Federal Ministry of Finance that a tax on the sales of Bitcoins is under consideration. On the other hand, it can not be the patent remedy, either, to account for and to pay for all relevant Bitcoin activities for reasons of precaution out of "anticipatory obedience". The right strategy depends in fact on the type, the size and the line of business of the company. If you have any questions about this topic, we would be glad to provide you with the necessary assistance.

Our range of services includes not only legal representation; as a full-service law firm we also offer the complete spectrum of tax advice. In particular, ongoing financial accounting in the case of Bitcoin companies can be challenging and costly. Your contact persons for all questions related to the taxation of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are. You can reach us by e-mail info winheller.

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Taxation on Bitcoin transactions for German retail investors

Frankfurt Karlsruhe Berlin Hamburg Munich. Advice by specialized attorneys and tax accountants Experienced in the law of cryptocurrencies since Individual assessment of your trades Automated processing of your CSV files Reconstruction of lost trade details and chronological order Advice on FIFO vs. Phone number. Don't fill this field! Business Law.